The use of social media both inside and outside of the company is transforming the way people interact. It allows for online collaboration that promotes sharing of knowledge and ideas regardless of rank, title, or experience. However, this also comes with certain risks and responsibilities. This policy aims to ensure safe, positive, and truly representative interactions on social media platforms that align with the company's values and brand.
This policy applies to every employee, direct seller, supplier, vendor, customer, or any other person associated with the company. This includes all forms of social media and online services that allow users to share information.
This policy complies with all applicable laws such as the Consumer Protection (Direct Selling) Rules, 2021, Consumer Protection Act, 2019, Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020, Information Technology Act 2000 (IT Act 2000), Copyright Act, 1957, and any other applicable laws.
The purpose of this social media policy is to set expectations for appropriate behavior, ensure that posts do not expose the company to legal problems or public embarrassment, and minimize the risks of social media that may impact the reputation of the company and its products.
When creating social media accounts, direct sellers need to decide whether to use it for personal, professional, or both purposes. If entirely personal, direct sellers must not mention the company in any situations, share company content or connect personal information with the company.
Once a direct seller links their social media account or blog to the company, they need to follow certain guidelines:
The account should always reflect the voice of an individual and not a corporate channel.
Anything posted should align with the company's values and ethical principles.
Do not include the company in the profile or username.
Retweets or shares are endorsements, so direct sellers should not share content that constitutes an infringement of intellectual property rights, defamation, disparagement or abuse.
Confidential information or intellectual property must not be shared.
Different principles apply to the use of social media on behalf of the company and personal use. Employees must:
Adhere to the company Code of Conduct and other policies while using social media.
Ensure appropriate information is obtained before posting images, responses, or using third-party copyright, trademarks, or other intellectual property.
Focus on work during working hours and refrain from posting content on social media.
Publish, post, or release any confidential or non-public information without consent.
Use social media to defame, harass, discriminate or violate the rights of others.
This policy outlines the do's and don'ts that the direct sellers of Herboking Wellness Pvt Ltd must follow while using social media to promote the company's products. Direct sellers must comply with the Company Code of Conduct and all Company policies while using social media.
The Board of Directors of the company has formed a committee to monitor the time to time posting of information on social media and provide information to the concerned person in case of any prohibited content published by direct seller, employee, customer, or any other associated person with the company. The committee shall regulate the provisions regarding the social media content and do necessary regards thereto.
Keep in mind that what you publish online will be public for a very long time. What you post will reflect on you, so be consistent with the way you would wish to portray yourself to friends, family, colleagues, and clients. If you are unsure whether certain content is appropriate to share online, then don’t post it. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
You are personally responsible for your words and actions, no matter where you are, even in the online world. Please remember that when you participate in social media, you are speaking as an individual and not on behalf of the company. Identify yourself using the first person singular.
When you discuss company-related information online, be transparent by giving your name and role and mentioning that you work for Herboking Wellness Pvt Ltd. If you have an individual site that refers to or has an impact on the company, use a disclaimer such as “The views expressed on this site are my own and not those of Herboking Wellness Pvt Ltd.”
Your behavior online should be consistent with Our Code of Business Ethics and Acceptable Use Policy.
Use your expert knowledge to enrich discussions, help solve problems, and share the excitement of our work environment.
Build trust by keeping a respectful tone, even when disagreeing with others, and by responding to comments in a timely manner.
Do not engage in any conduct online that would not be acceptable in your workplace or that is unlawful.
Do not make derogatory remarks, bully, intimidate, harass other users, use insults or post content that is hateful, slanderous, threatening, discriminating, or pornographic.
Refrain from addressing topics that may be deemed personal, objectionable or offensive.
Do not make remarks, jokes or display material that may offend a member of a particular race, religion or gender.
Stick to the facts to avoid comments being taken out of context.
Always protect clients’, the Company’s, and suppliers’ confidential and other proprietary information.
Do not publish anything online you wouldn’t share with a journalist, client, analyst, or competitor.
Make sure any reference to clients, partners, and suppliers does not violate any non-disclosure obligations.
Do not disclose information about colleagues or other persons, misuse their personal data, or publish their photos without their permission.
Do not disclose information about colleagues or other persons, misuse their personal data, or publish their photos without their permission.
Intellectual Property Rights
Comply with laws and regulations governing intellectual property rights, including copyrights and trademarks. Obtain proper permission before using intellectual property rights (e.g. copyright or trademark).
Use of social media platforms in accordance with this policy can be a very effective and powerful communication tool.
Be proud of what you do and enjoy a sense of accomplishment in the search for better quality and greater efficiency.
Express only your personal opinions and never represent yourself as a spokesperson for the Company.
If you do publish a blog or post online related to the work you do or subjects associated with the Company, make it clear that you are not speaking on behalf of the Company.
Do not post internal reports, policies, procedures or other internal business-related confidential communications.
Do not create any link from our blog, website or other social networking site to a Company website without identifying yourself as a Direct Seller, Company, employee and vendor.